To link your trading strategy with Compendium, head back to the admin page of your Verified Trading Bot. Scroll down until you see the "View This Bot's Alert API Key" section, then click the "View My Bot API Key" button. This will reveal your private API key, which you can then input into the Compendium WebHook.
It's crucial to keep your API key confidential as it's used to identify calls. Sharing your API key can result in unauthorized signals being sent and potentially compromise the security of your group. If you suspect that your API key has been compromised, we recommend clicking the "Reroll API Key" button. Don't forget to update the API key in your webhooks to ensure that your strategy continues to post trades successfully.
Formatting WebHook Signals
Now that you have your API key it is time to learn how signals can be sent!
All signals should be sent to the following webhook URL as POST. If you are using TradingView it will automatically format webhook + JSON in the correct method.
Understanding JSON Formatting
You can learn more about specific JSON formatting at the link below.
Posting Webhooks From TradingView
Please follow TradingView's internal documentation for educational resources on posting Webhook orders from their system.
Webhook URL
The webhook URL for our verified trading bots router is different from our regular Signal Provider webhook. The webhook information is available on request through your designated representative channel in our official discord server.
A "success" return from the provided Webhook means that the URL was successfully pinged in your workflow. It does not mean that the signal or orderchain was formatted correctly and still may result in a trade post error.
The above JSON example shows a single signal in the orderchain array. Please read the next section to understand how to fully utilize this new integration.
Understanding the orderchain Array
Our new signal system requires signal commands to be sent in the orderchain array, even if you are only sending a single command. We can now offer supremely advanced capabilities by offering the capability to chain orders together. We have provided some simple examples below.
The orderchain array has a capacity of accommodating a maximum of 5 signal types in a stacked manner and mandates the presence of at least one signal type to effectively transmit a trade notification signal. It is imperative to acknowledge that the execution of Orderchain commands is dependent on the sequence of WebHook post in which they are transmitted, thus dictating their placement order.
Single Signal Post Example
The following example shows the user sending a single signal in the orderchain array to close all open positions.
The following example shows the user sending multiple signals in the orderchain array. This specific example shows the user closing all open positions and then opening a new trade. This code snippet should be helpful if your trading strategy is always in a trade and needs to flip sides from "short" to "long" or vice-versa.
All parameters should be sent as a "string" from your POST API call. This is to simplify connections from platforms like TradingView while normalizing our structure. It is also important to note that if you are passing a number, it should be treated as an integer within the "string".
Requirements & Description
ALWAYSREQUIRED - See valid values below
Required if signal = cancel
Required if signal = place. See valid values below
Required if signal parameter requires.
Optional - if signal is cancel type, the orders canceled will be of marketType.
Required if signal = place
Required if signal = place
Required if orderType requires it (eg limit)
Optional - default value = cross
Optional - default is false
Optional - default value is false
Optional - default = false
Optional - default = false
Required if tpTrigger submitted and tpOrderType = limit
Optional - default = last
Required if tpTrigger submitted
Required if slTrigger submitted and slOrderType = limit
Optional - default = last
Required if slTrigger submitted
Understanding Each Parameter
The following breakdown includes JSON Type, Required Conditions, & Valid Values for all available signal parameters.
JSON type: "String"
Required: Always
Valid Values:
place : used to place orders
cancel : cancels ONE specific order, must provide orderid
cancelall : cancels ALL open orders without regard to market or complexity
cancelbuys : cancels all open buy orders
cancelsells : cancels all open sell orders
canceltps : cancel all take profit orders (including embedded TP orders)
cancelsls : cancels all stop loss orders (including embedded SL orders)
canceltriggers : cancels all orders having TP or SL orders embedded but not both
close : if submitted with a symbol (e.g. symbol: BTC-USDT-SWAP), then closes all current positions on that symbol. Otherwise closes all positions on all tokens (same behavior as closeall)
closeall : closes all positions on all token markets
closelongs : closes all long positions on any token market
closeshorts : closes all short positions on any token
JSON type: "String"
Required: required if signal = cancel (specifies order to cancel)
Valid Values: insert orderid from exchange to cancel.
JSON type: "String"
Required: required if signal = place.
Valid Values:limit or market
JSON type: "String"
Required: Required if signal parameter requires.
Valid Values: must be a VALID symbol on native exchange. (e.g. symbol: BTC-USDT-SWAP)
JSON type: "String"
Required: Optional - if signal is cancel type, the orders canceled will be of marketType. if omitted and signal is cancel type then spot and perpetual orders will be canceled.
Valid Values:linear, inverse, or spot
Deprecated Values: perpetual
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Required if signal = place
Valid Values:buy or sell
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Required if signal = place
Valid Values:
Risk is limited from 1 - 100 for spot markets.
Risk can be above 100 for perpetual swap markets.
Explanation: Risk is our system's version of trade size.
Examples of risk utilization:
50 = 50% of the connected exchange account balance
100 = 100% of the connected exchange account balance
150 = 150% of the connected exchange account balance (1.5x Leverage)
200 = 200% of the connected exchange account balance (2x Leverage)
JSON Type: Integer within "String"
Required: Required if orderType requires it (eg limit)
Valid Values: Insert price to initiate order as a "string"
Example:"21000" (must be formatted as an integer within the string)
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Optional, default value = cross
Trade Mode Explanation: Trade Mode, when placing an order, you need to specify the trade mode. (Notes taken specifically from OKX documentation)
Valid Values:
cash for spot markets
cross for perpetual markets
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Optional - default is false
Valid Values:true or false (passed in a "string"). The default value is false.
Only applicable to MARGIN orders, and FUTURES/SWAP orders in net mode
Only applicable to Single-currency margin and Multi-currency margin
JSON type: "String"
Required: Optional - default value is false
Valid Values:true or false (passed as "string")
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Optional - default = false
Valid Values:true or false (passed as "string")
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Optional - default = false
Valid Values:true or false (passed as a "string")
JSON Type: Integer within a "String"
Required: Optional
Valid Values: Insert price to initiate order as a "string"
Example:"21000" (must be formatted as an integer within the string)
JSON Type: Integer within "String"
Required: Required if tpTrigger submitted and tpOrderType = limit
Valid Values: Insert price to initiate order as a "string"
Example:"21000" (must be formatted as an integer within the string)
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Optional - default = last
Valid Values:
last : last price
index : index price
mark : mark price
JSON Type: "String"
Required: Required if tpTrigger is submitted
Valid Values: limit or market
JSON Type: Integer within a "String"
Required: Optional
Valid Values: Insert price integer to initiate order as a "string"
Example:"21000" (must be formatted as an integer within the string)
JSON Type: Integer within a "String"
Required: Required if slTrigger submitted and slOrderType = limit
Valid Values: Insert price integer to initiate order as a "string"
Example:"21000" (must be formatted as an integer within the string)