📈Compendium Trading Tools

A full suite of products to make crypto investing simpler and smarter. Subscribe to or create your very own trading bots, copy trading groups, or signal provider services in just a few clicks.

This side of our consumer-facing application offers the ability to create or subscribe to several different forms of verified trading bots, automated trading signal providers, copy trading groups, and more.

Access and registration for our automation terminal and trading tool platform are COMPLETELY FREE for all users, group leaders, and strategy authors.

Some third-party strategies featured may require a separate monthly subscription which is paid to the author of that strategy.

We currently provide support and integrations for a growing list of what we internally consider "deeply liquid" centralized cryptocurrency exchanges like OKX, Binance, Bybit, Kucoin, Huobi, MEXC, and more. Our automation terminal is powered PENDAX combined with a state-of-the-art load-balancing system to ensure industry-leading performance.

Integrated Exchanges & Platforms

The following list of exchanges is currently available within the Compendium Automation Terminal and Trading Tool suite. Exchanges are often added after they have been integrated into the PENDAX SDK. You can view current SDK integrations that may come shortly to Compendium here.

ExchangeTrading BotsSignal ProviderCopy Trading


⚠️ FTX connections and tools are currently being deprecated due to recent events.

🔗Connect An Exchange Account

A Powerful Suite Of Tools, Simplified

Verified Trading Bot Marketplace

Our marketplace features a wide variety of verified trading bots from a growing list of authors. All verified bots undergo strict due diligence and transparent result-reporting processes to ensure the longevity of the included strategies throughout multiple different market sentiments.

🤖Verified Trading Bots

Cross-Exchange Copy Trading Groups

With our scalable trading routers, copy traders can follow historically profitable traders and automatically duplicate their trade signals. Our system dynamically sets risk management thresholds for each trade a group leader takes and ensures the correct post to every subscriber's account. Our system works across several exchanges and aggregates markets so that leaders and followers can use the exchange of their choice.

💫Copy Trading Groups

Signal Provider Groups

Trading signal groups powered by signals from TradingView or more advanced custom scripts. Create your own public or private signal provider group for others to follow or easily subscribe to a growing list of community-created and managed groups of all levels.

📶Signal Provider Groups

Multiple Account Management

Users can easily manage multiple crypto exchange accounts, both automatically and manually through several products. When creating a trading strategy, you can choose several connected exchange accounts from the same platform and trade on all of them concurrently.

Instant Portfolio Management

Managing balances of connected exchange accounts have never been easier. Our simple interface brings the simplicity of "Uniswap Style" swaps to all supported centralized exchanges. Converting balances is as easy as pressing one button without the need to browse over order books.

Preselected Baskets & Indexes

Instantly rebalancing a full portfolio has never been easier. Our one-click interface allows traders to select from a wide variety of community-selected baskets with customizable percentage allocation breakdowns. Our system takes this one step further with the ability to auto-convert new collateral into preset percentage allocations.

Last updated