What is PENDAX?
A Javascript library allowing simplified interaction with advanced commands on a growing list of cryptocurrency exchanges and financial applications.
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A Javascript library allowing simplified interaction with advanced commands on a growing list of cryptocurrency exchanges and financial applications.
Last updated
Introducing PENDAX, our high-frequency trading engine designed for developers, traders, financial analysts, and data scientists. PENDAX simplifies exchange commands and provides interoperability, empowering users to build custom integrations tailored to their specific needs. Our engine provides seamless access to a multitude of use cases related to trading and data deployment, streamlining the process and maximizing efficiency. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a beginner, PENDAX offers the versatility and ease of use required to achieve your trading and data deployment goals.
Did you know? The best way to showcase a product is to build on it! Our consumer-facing application on Compendium.Fi is built utilizing PENDAX in parallel with a state-of-the-art load-balancing system to ensure industry-leading trading performance.
For a complete capability and usage guidelines list please visit PENDAX Usage Capabilities.
PENDAX integrates full public and private HTTP REST APIs in an efficient manner, enabling seamless secondary deployment across all supported platforms.
Our unified package leverages aggregated, normalized commands, making PENDAX exceptionally easy to integrate into existing systems.
All supported exchanges are equipped with WebSocket and real-time data capabilities, ensuring access to up-to-date information.
PENDAX offers a cost-effective solution, with all commands and capabilities freely accessible to all developers, traders, and integrators, without the need for a subscription to a "Professional" version.
The following table outlines the integration status of exchanges and financial institutions within our open-source systems. By being included in the PENDAX modules, these systems will also be made available on our consumer-facing application and automation terminal, providing a wide range of functionalities to end users. Integrators utilizing PENDAX commands to post orders may also benefit from variable trading discount rates, further enhancing their trading experience.
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Want a new platform or exchange integrated? Please reach out in the #dev-chat channel of our official Discord server. Inquiries can also be forwarded to our email address at support@compendium.finance from official exchange representatives. You can also post a link to the exchange by opening an issue on the official GitHub page.
The list above is updated regularly as new integrations are tested and approved for merging into the main systems.
PENDAX is a highly sophisticated software development kit (SDK) designed for developers, traders, and analysts. PENDAX leverages our extensive expertise in trading infrastructure to deliver an optimized, high-performance solution. The underlying code has been optimized for speed and efficiency, incorporating proprietary enhancements that result in low-latency connections and rapid time to market.
PENDAX's normalized common functions make it easy to adapt to different platforms, saving valuable time and effort compared to other SDKs that may require extensive code rewrites. Additionally, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive documentation, with all functions and capabilities clearly outlined and accessible. This, coupled with our intuitive walkthrough, sets PENDAX apart from other development teams and provides a smooth and effortless experience for users.
In comparison to platforms like CCXT, PENDAX offers improved performance, normalized common functions, and comprehensive documentation, making it a superior choice for developers, traders, and analysts. All functions, exchanges, and WebSocket capabilities are available for NO COST in the Javascript SDK.