Manage Signal Group Subscription

Managing and editing settings for your subscription to a Signal Provider Group on the Compendium application.

Connecting An Exchange To Your Subscription

This documentation is currently being updated.

OKX Specific Settings

OKX requires both subscribers to set their accounts up in a certain way. The following settings should be used for all services when an OKX account is attached.

  • Account Mode Should Be Set To Single Currency Margin

  • Futures & Perpetual Contract Units Should Be Set To Contracts

  • Order Placement Mode Should Be Set To Buy/Sell Mode

We also recommend ensuring that you set ample maximum leverage on OKX accounts to ensure there are no issues with account balances during trade posts. OKX recently introduced "Trade Clearance Settings" as a master leverage control on the main account which will need to be set high enough in certain instances so as to not interfere with leverage calculations. This setting also carries over to all subaccounts associated with the main account.

To change or turn off this new setting please follow the instructions below:

1) Access your account. Make sure you are on the main account and not a subaccount.

2) Hover over the profile icon and click on the "Security" tab.

3) Scroll down to the "Enabled Security Features" section

4) Make sure that "Trading Clearance Settings" are turned off.

Editing Your Subscription Settings

Changing Variables And Settings For Your Subscription

Parameters for each subscription are customizable by pressing the "View/Edit" button for that specific group from the main subscriptions table.

  • Configure Account: Make changes to the connected exchange account API keys, add a new API key connection, or select another exchange to utilize this strategy on.

  • Perform Account Health Check: Pressing this button will perform a backup health check on the connected exchange account to ensure our system is still capable of communicating utilizing your connected API keys.

  • View Signal Provider Overview: View strategy details, historical statistics, and positions.

  • Notifications Only Mode: You will only receive emails and not post trades if this option is "ON". Trades will not post again until notifications-only mode has been toggled to "OFF" again.

  • Receive Email Notifications: You will not receive email notifications if this option is toggled "OFF"

Troubleshooting Trading Issues

This documentation is currently being updated.

Last updated